Ka Palupalu o Kanaloa

The need

Ka palupalu o Kanaloa needs us now

Ensuring a future for this plant and the relationships it sustains is part of our collective kuleana, our responsibility. Through the efforts of many, Ka Palupalu o Kanaloa has been brought back from the brink of extinction. Once numbering only two plants, our hui members have cultivated 20 plants (and growing). What we are doing in plant conservation is working—the combined expertise, commitment, and manaʻo of our partners is demonstrating the impact we can make collectively. Over the last 20 years, more plants have been saved in cultivation than ever before.
Photo by Mark Ladao

Trials and tribulations

We are still learning all we can about Ka Palupalu o Kanaloa. Our hui members are constantly researching and experimenting the best way to care for Ka Palupalu o Kanaloa to ensure the plant's resurgence. There have been many challenges—and there are sure to be more ahead—but we are in this together. Find all the ways you can support Ka Palupalu o Kanaloa here.